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Sustainability Group


Together we can preserve Australia’s foster care system

The National Foster Care Sustainability Group are thought leaders from all parts of the child welfare sector, sharing a deep concern in addressing the foster carer shortage. They are investing their own time, resources and effort in the immediate term to assist Families Australia in engaging the Commonwealth.

Sustainability Group

They are committed to working​ to ignite positive change in the Australian foster care system. Critically, the group includes representation from Foster Carers who bring their knowledge and first hand experiences to inform decision making (listed below in alphabetical order).

Tom Allsop

Chief Executive Officer, PeakCare

Tom is CEO of PeakCare, bringing more than 10 years’ experience and a strong reputation and record of leadership achievements through the delivery of nationally significant and critical programs and projects. This includes the Queensland’s Government’s participation in the National Redress Scheme, NDIS Worker Screening, and the implementation of contemporary systems and practices that have reshaped the delivery of child protection and youth justice services in Queensland. Tom has a Master of Social Work, a Bachelor of Science with dual majors in Biomedical Science and Neuroscience, and is an accredited Program, Project, and Change Manager.

Jamie Crosby (vice Chair)

Chief Executive Officer,Families Australia

Jamie is CEO Families Australia, bringing experience from Federal public service having spent the past decade working in Indigenous Affairs within the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. A youth and family worker by training, Jamie holds a Master of Public Policy, a BA in Youth Affairs and has successfully completed the AICD’s Company Directors course.

Fiona Endacott

Chief Executive Officer, Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA

Fiona Endacott has a Bachelor of Social Work, a Double Advanced Diploma in Management and Human Resources, a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration and is currently completing her MBA. Prior to her talking the helm at Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA she worked in the mental health sector as Operations Manager at Skylight Mental Health.

First Nations NGO Alliance

The First Nations NGO Alliance is a self-determined group of experienced First Nations leaders bringing an average of 27 years working across the child and family sector nationally. 
Whilst employed by supportive organisations, the alliance are independent in thought and Voice on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, young people and families. 
They provide cultural leadership, guiding practice, strategy, partnerships and policies. 

Nadine Flood

Carer, Non-Executive Director, Experienced Commonwealth advocate

Nadine is a Foster Carer bringing her valuable experience and insights, and advocacy skills to the group.    

Dr Lisa J. Griffiths (Chair)

Chief Executive Officer, OzChild

Lisa was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of OzChild in February 2014, and is Chair of the Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare, a member of the Victorian Children’s Council.  
Lisa is a Professor and Senior Fellow at the Australian Graduate School of Leadership and holds a Doctorate in Business Leadership. A Fellow of the Australian Institute for Company Directors and the Centre for Evidence-Based Management, Lisa is passionate about Evidence-Based Leadership, and teaches its principles across Australia.

Dr Dianne Jackson

Chief Executive Officer, Key Assets Australia

Dianne is the CEO for Key Assets Australia. Dr Jackson has more than 30 years’ experience in the government, community and philanthropy sectors and brings with her a wealth of experience in executive leadership, policy, research and advocacy for the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable Australians.

Carly Jacobitz

Deputy Chief Executive, Child Youth and Family, Life Without Barriers

Carly is the current Executive Director – Performance, Risk and Assurance (Child, Youth and Family) at Life Without Barriers (LWB). She brings a unique perspective derived from experience in both front line statutory child protection and nationally with one of Australia’s largest out-of-home care providers, LWB. Carly has undergraduate qualifications in business and postgraduate qualifications in psychology and is a registered psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and a Non-Executive Director with both PeakCare and DVConnect.

Bridget Loudon

Carer, CEO Expert360, Non-Exec Director Telstra, Expert360, Telstra

Bridget is a Foster Carer and founder and Chief Executive Officer of Expert360, a skilled talent management platform.

Dr Robyn Miller

Chief Executive Officer, MacKillop Family Services

Robyn is the Chief Executive Officer of MacKillop Family Services. She is passionate about social justice and the rights of children and families. As a social worker and family therapist, Robyn has over thirty years' experience in the child and welfare sector. Robyn is committed to training and supportive supervision for colleagues to provide best practice to the children and families we serve. When not traveling to MacKillop programs all over Australia, Robyn delights in her own five children and three beautiful grandchildren.

Bev Orr OAM

Carer, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Foster Care Association

Beverley Orr is the vice-president and co-founder of the ACT Foster Carers’ Association, and has taken her work to the national level through her presidency of the Australian Foster Carers’ Association. Beverley is currently on the ACT Children’s Services Council and is the Board Secretary of Families Australia.

Sue Sealey

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare Victoria

Sue Sealey has worked in the Child, Youth & Family Sector for 40 years. Sue has extensive Executive leadership experience, informed by her significant operational service delivery work as a social worker / youth worker. Sue has a particular interest in therapeutic evidence-based services for vulnerable children & young people.

Deb Tsorbaris

Chief Executive Officer (Board Chair Families Australia), The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Deb Tsorbaris is CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, the peak body for child and family services across Tasmania and Victoria, and has worked in health and community services for over 30 years. She has extensive knowledge of policy and practice, and is Co-Chair of the Victorian Government’s Roadmap for Reform Implementation Ministerial Advisory Group. Prior to joining the Centre, Deb was CEO of the Victorian Council to Homeless Persons and also held executive positions at Victoria’s Department of Human Services.

Tom Allsop

Chief Executive Officer, PeakCare

Tom is CEO of PeakCare, bringing more than 10 years’ experience and a strong reputation and record of leadership achievements through the delivery of nationally significant and critical programs and projects including the Queensland’s Government’s participation in the National Redress Scheme, NDIS Worker Screening, and the implementation of contemporary systems and practices that have reshaped the delivery of child protection and youth justice services in Queensland. Tom has a Master of Social Work, a Bachelor of Science with dual majors in Biomedical Science and Neuroscience, and is an accredited Program, Project, and Change Manager.

Jamie Crosby (vice Chair)

Chief Executive Officer,Families Australia

Jamie is CEO Families Australia, bringing experience from Federal public service having spent the past decade working in Indigenous Affairs within the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. A youth and family worker by training, Jamie holds a Master of Public Policy, a BA in Youth Affairs and has successfully completed the AICD’s Company Directors course.

Fiona Endacott

Chief Executive Officer, Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA

Fiona Endacott has a Bachelor of Social Work, a Double Advanced Diploma in Management and Human Resources, a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration and is currently completing her MBA. Prior to her talking the helm at Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA she worked in the mental health sector as Operations Manager at Skylight Mental Health.

First Nations NGO Alliance


The First Nations NGO Alliance is a self-determined group of experienced First Nations leaders bringing an average of 27 years working across the child and family sector nationally. 
Whilst employed by supportive organisations, the alliance are independent in thought and Voice on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children, young people and families. 
They provide cultural leadership, guiding practice, strategy, partnerships and policies. 

Nadine Flood

Carer, Non-Executive Director, Experienced Commonwealth advocate

Nadine is a Foster Carer bringing her valuable experience and insights, and advocacy skills to the group.    

Dr Lisa J. Griffiths (Chair)

Chief Executive Officer, OzChild

Lisa was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of OzChild in February 2014, and is Chair of the Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare, a member of the Victorian Children’s Council.  
Lisa is a Professor and Senior Fellow at the Australian Graduate School of Leadership and holds a Doctorate in Business Leadership. A Fellow of the Australian Institute for Company Directors and the Centre for Evidence-Based Management, Lisa is passionate about Evidence-Based Leadership, and teaches its principles across Australia.

Dr Dianne Jackson

Chief Executive Officer, Key Assets Australia

Dianne is the CEO for Key Assets Australia. Dr Jackson has more than 30 years’ experience in the government, community and philanthropy sectors and brings with her a wealth of experience in executive leadership, policy, research and advocacy for the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable Australians.

Carly Jacobitz

Deputy Chief Executive, Child Youth and Family, Life Without Barriers

Carly is the current Executive Director – Performance, Risk and Assurance (Child, Youth and Family) at Life Without Barriers (LWB). She brings a unique perspective derived from experience in both front line statutory child protection and nationally with one of Australia’s largest out-of-home care providers, LWB. Carly has undergraduate qualifications in business and postgraduate qualifications in psychology and is a registered psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and a Non-Executive Director with both PeakCare and DVConnect.

Bridget Loudon

Carer, CEO Expert360, Non-Exec Director Telstra, Expert360, Telstra

Bridget is a Foster Carer and founder and Chief Executive Officer of Expert360, a skilled talent management platform.

Dr Robyn Miller

Chief Executive Officer, MacKillop Family Services

Robyn is the Chief Executive Officer of MacKillop Family Services. She is passionate about social justice and the rights of children and families. As a social worker and family therapist, Robyn has over thirty years' experience in the child and welfare sector. Robyn is committed to training and supportive supervision for colleagues to provide best practice to the children and families we serve. When not traveling to MacKillop programs all over Australia, Robyn delights in her own five children and three beautiful grandchildren.

Bev Orr OAM

Carer, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Foster Care Association

Beverley Orr is the vice-president and co-founder of the ACT Foster Carers’ Association, and has taken her work to the national level through her presidency of the Australian Foster Carers’ Association. Beverley is currently on the ACT Children’s Services Council and is Deputy Chair of Families Australia.

Sue Sealey

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare Victoria

Sue Sealey has worked in the Child, Youth & Family Sector for 40 years. Sue has extensive Executive leadership experience, informed by her significant operational service delivery work as a social worker / youth worker. Sue has a particular interest in therapeutic evidence-based services for vulnerable children & young people.

Deb Tsorbaris

Chief Executive Officer (Board Chair Families Australia), The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare 

Deb Tsorbaris is CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, the peak body for child and family services across Tasmania and Victoria, and has worked in health and community services for over 30 years. She has extensive knowledge of policy and practice, and is Co-Chair of the Victorian Government’s Roadmap for Reform Implementation Ministerial Advisory Group. Prior to joining the Centre, Deb was CEO of the Victorian Council to Homeless Persons and also held executive positions at Victoria’s Department of Human Services.

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